Forest inventory validity

In 2020, the forest inventory validity period of several
forest owners expires. The State Forest Service started to
notify the forest owners on the need to perform the first or
repeated forest inventory at their properties this year. The
State Forest Service most definitely notifies all owners that
have not have their forest inventory performed or, where
the validity period of their inventory expired, first by
requesting them to perform this duty by the end of 2020.
Section 29 of the Law on Forests provides that a forest
owner or lawful possessor shall ensure the first forest
inventory in its ownership or lawful possession and submit
the data thereof to the State Forest Service, as well as
re-perform the forest inventory at least every 20 years.
A valid forest inventory is one of the pre-requisites for:
the performance of tree felling in the forest, the performance
of deforestation;
placing applications for the state and European Union
funding or co-funding for the implementation of the
forestry sector support measures;
the receipt of discounts on the real estate tax for young
stands and limitations of economic activity in accordance
with the data of forest inventory.
It must be kept in mind that only an officially registered
performer of forest inventory, the work quality of which is
monitored every year and that is registered with the State
Forest Service is entitled to perform the inventory of the
forest. Information on these specialists and their telephone
numbers are available at any forestry, as well as on the
website of the State Forest Service – in
Forest Inventory section.

Information source: State Forest Service, Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre