News on forest protection.

Spread of diseases caused by multiplication of pests has been discovered in the forest after this summer, yet significant damage has not been detected.

Spruce stands should be inspected and health of these stands should be assessed to evaluate whether the property has not been endangered by eight-toothed spruce bark beetles. When noticing newly damaged spruce trees, especially ones with green needles and bark that is separating in a fragmented way in the middle and the top part of the trunk, you should ensure whether the damage has not been caused by eight-toothed spruce bark beetles. It should be mentioned that this year the number of pests, including eight-toothed spruce bark beetles is rather low.

Spruce stands on the edges of clearings and sunny locations should be carefully inspected. Spruce trees can be endangered also in locations with significant changes to the humidity mode. When discovering the presence of bark beetles, the damaged spruce trees should be cut by means of sanitary selective felling or felling according to the sanitary opinion of the State Forest Service (sanitary clear felling). The type of felling is selected according to the scope of damage. Logging in such locations should be finished not later than by April of the following year to prevent new places of pest multiplication.

The other type of pests which is harmful to pines is the six-toothed pine tip bark beetle. This bark beetle damages the pine stands, endangering even living trees. Its presence can be more difficult to detect than that of the eight-toothed spruce bark beetle because it lives in the thick top branches or trunk parts of pines without scab bark.

In places, small pest damages to young forest stands have been found. As the most significant of these should be mentioned pine weevil which damages the planted coniferous trees by gnawing the bark of plants if it has not been protected. Damaged caused by pine shoot moth has also been observed in separate stands. It should be noted that observations are of a local nature.

Damage caused by various species of gallwasps can also be widely observed. Much damage has been seen on oaks in the second half of summer.

Forest owners should regularly inspect their forest property and consult specialists in the case of discovering any damage caused by pests.

Information source: State Forest Service