The data of the peat soil map will not affect the possibility of farmers to receive support payments in 2024
In February 2024, the latest and most accurate data on the spread of peat soil in Latvia were published in the rural block map of the Rural Support Service for farmers and land managers. The map is available at
The purpose of the map is to inform farmers whether they have a field or part of a field that has been identified as a peatland area. Its publication does not affect the possibility for farmers to receive support payments from the Common Agricultural Policy fund in 2024.
The map shows soil in light brown color, which contains a layer of at least 40 cm at a depth of 1 m (it can be thicker depending on the amount of moss fibers) and the content of organic matter is at least 35 percent. The layer may start at a depth of the first 40 cm and does not have to be continuous.

Marked areas of peatland in agricultural land have an area of not less than 0.3 hectares.
The map was prepared in cooperation with the Norwegian Bioeconomy Research Institute, and its modeling is based on the latest available remote sensing, terrain, moisture changes, orthophoto information.
Compared to historical data collected between 1960 and 1991, the revised map shows a decrease of approximately 25 percent in total peatland area on agricultural land.
If you have questions about the creation of a layer of peat moss, please contact the Department of Agrochemistry of the State Plant Protection Service (SPPS) by e-mail:, indicating the name of the farm and the number of the field block. SPPS will contact interested parties and provide an explanation.
Information source: Rural Support Service