The Rural Support Service is planning to pay EUR 573.4 million in support to clients this year
This year Rural Support Service is planning to pay in support to 60 000 clients in Latvia EUR 573.4 million, which is slightly more than the previous year.
Out of this amount, EUR 206 million will be disbursed as financing from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, and EUR 314.4 million from other forms of aid financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund. Farmers will receive EUR 15 million from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, and EUR 38 million as state aid.
This year farmers will be able to submit applications for area payments earlier – from the beginning of March instead of April as in 2019. Applications for area payments will be accepted without penalty until May 22 by submitting a single application electronically to the Latvia’s Rural Support Service Electronic Application System. Last day to apply for the relevant aid payments with late application penalty this year will be June 15.
Source of information: LETA