The Rural Support Service provides support to farmers for damage caused by hail in 2023

On August 27th, the Rural Support Service (RSS) paid out EUR 980 000 in support to farmers for the damage caused by hail in 2023. This support in the crop sector is granted to those farmers who provided RSS with information about the crop areas affected by the storm and hail on August 7, 2023, including submitting photos and details indicating the damaged crops and the affected area in hectares. This allowed for the documentation of specific natural damage in individual farms within a particular region.

The support from RSS was distributed to 117 farms, covering a total area of 1,791 hectares. The hail damaged areas were planted with spring wheat, winter wheat, winter rapeseed, peas, and other crops.

The support is paid for areas that were not insured and were registered for area payments in 2023, as well as meeting other conditions.

More detailed information on the conditions can be found in the “State Support Allocation Procedure for Storm-Related Losses in the Crop Sector in 2023.”

Information source: Rural Support Service