The support for the modernization of farms is available

From November 4 to December 4 of this year, farmers, cooperatives, and scientific institutions can apply for several measures (interventions) to promote the growth of their farms or businesses, increase energy efficiency, implement biosecurity measures, and other activities.

Juris Cvetkovs, Deputy Director of the Agricultural and Rural Development Department of the Rural Support Service (RSS), explains: “In the 2023-2027 planning period, this is the first time that farmers can apply for support to improve the competitiveness of rural farms, animal welfare, and other activities. This is an opportunity for both large and small farms to implement their projects. Previously, we referred to this support as modernization aid. Of course, not only the name of the measure has changed, but also the conditions for receiving support. For example, to calculate the size of a farm, the turnover of the last three years will be taken into account, and affiliated companies will also be evaluated. When calculating the allocated funding, the financing received during the transition period of 2022-2024 will be considered. These are just a few examples of the changes.

Understanding that the requirements are detailed, RSS has considered how to assist farmers with calculations. For example, we will create a pre-registration option where everyone will be able to see the provisional data that RSS has already obtained from other institutions, making it easier to assess the situation on the farm.

We already understand that there will be many questions, so on October 2 at 10:00 AM, we will organize a public webinar so that any farmer who wants to implement a project can evaluate whether the planned activities can be carried out and whether the farm meets the requirements. This will be an opportunity for everyone to ask any unclear questions.”

“Support for investments in farm competitiveness” (LA 4.1.1.)

The aim of the measure is to support small and medium-sized farms to improve their economic performance and competitiveness, as well as promote the development of cooperation.

The public funding for the first round for small farms is EUR 16.78 million, while for medium-sized farms, it is EUR 18.4 million. The funding is available proportionally by region, based on the distribution of RSS’s regional agricultural administrations (the exact regional distribution can be viewed on the RSS website).

Support for preventive investments (fencing, purchase of guard dogs) for sheep farms can be applied for from November 4, 2024, to March 4, 2025 (longer than other measures). Funding for these activities is EUR 1 million.

Support for investments in greenhouse gas and ammonia emission reduction measures and climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in farms (LA 4.1.2.)

The aim of this support is to encourage farmers to make climate change mitigation investments and to promote adaptation to climate change.

The total funding in the first round is 17.3 million euros, which is proportionally distributed based on the regional agricultural administration locations of the Rural Support Service (LAD). (The exact breakdown by region can be found on the LAD website.)

Important! When determining the maximum eligible costs, the amount allocated during the transition period under measure 4.1. “Investments in tangible assets” will be considered. Additionally, data on related enterprises will be taken into account when determining company size and allocated funding.

Support for investments to improve animal welfare and implement biosecurity measures (LA 4.1.3.)

The support is intended to improve animal welfare and health, as well as to implement biosecurity measures on farms. The available funding for the first round is EUR 7.59 million.

Support for investments in the use of renewable energy resources or increasing energy efficiency (LA 4.1.4.)

This support is aimed at promoting investments by agricultural operators in renewable energy technologies for self-consumption and energy efficiency measures.

The public funding for the first round is EUR 9.5 million, including:

  • EUR 4.76 million for investments in energy efficiency,
  • EUR 4.76 million for renewable energy production.

Important! When determining the size of the company and the allocated funding, data on affiliated companies will be considered.

Support for the reconstruction and restoration of municipal drainage systems and hydrotechnical structures is available under the measure “Support for Investments in Agricultural and Forestry Infrastructure Development” (LA 4.3.).

Cooperatives can also apply for support measures from November 4 to December 4 of this year. More detailed information on the support conditions for cooperatives can be found on the RSS website.

The implementation period for all the aforementioned support measures, if investments are made in the acquisition of production assets, is one year and six months from the RSS’s decision approval. If construction, reconstruction, and acquisition of production assets are involved, the project implementation period is two years from the date of the service’s decision.

Detailed information about the measure conditions is available on the Rural Support Service website: Support Types – Projects and Investments.

Source of information: Rural Support Service