Renda, Rumba
Property type: Agricultural land
Size: 358.53 ha
Region: Kuldīgas
Locality: Renda, Rumba and Pelči parishes
Agricultural land: 315.55 haForest: 31.96 haOther land: 11.22 haLand productivity index: 35-50 points Information:
This is an opportunity to acquire land portfolio comprising 358.53 hectares in the scenic western region of Latvia, near the charming and historic city of Kuldīga. The properties benefit from good road access, making them easily reachable. The farmland features above-average soil quality, with dominant points ranging from 40 to 50, making it ideal for productive farming. The portfolio includes a variety of land plots, with the largest spanning 45.40 hectares. Currently, cereals and perennial grasses are cultivated on the land, and the portfolio also includes 31.96 hectares of forest. All farmland is currently managed under long-term lease agreements.
Sales price and more information about property on request. In case of interest, please write to e-mail